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Social Media Success: Powerful Tips for Virtual Assistants to Market Themselves Online

Social Media Success: Powerful Tips for Virtual Assistants to Market Themselves Online

Are you a virtual assistant looking to market yourself more effectively online? Social media can be an incredibly powerful tool in propelling your success as a virtual assistant, but used improperl...

10 Ways to Determine your Customer's pain points

10 Ways to Determine your Customer's pain points

If you solve people's problems you'll never starve... In fact, if you do it well you will be wildly successful!  So... how do you solve problems successfully? You get to the root of their pain and ...

How to Give Your Online Presence a Purpose that Leads Your Followers to Buy!

How to Give Your Online Presence a Purpose that Leads Your Followers to Buy!

As a business living in 2022, you probably have a nice website and at least one profile on a social media platform. That’s great!

Benefits over Features - Benefits win EVERY time! Remember, it's What’s In It For Them!

Benefits over Features - Benefits win EVERY time! Remember, it's What’s In It For Them!

Let’s talk about feature over benefit and why it matters when it comes to your marketing. If there is one thing you should take away from this, it’s that your customers don’t really care about all ...

Crafting Your Customer's Journey: From cold lead to warm fuzzy buyer!

Crafting Your Customer's Journey: From cold lead to warm fuzzy buyer!

The Customer Journey... Sounds really fluffy and obscure, but it's really just how to guide your leads from being cold & curious about you and your biz to becoming loving, loyal, and buying cli...

📣 Creating Great Hooks That Grab Your Audience's Attention

📣 Creating Great Hooks That Grab Your Audience's Attention

The internet is a crowded place where your message is competing with thousands of others. The average reader is in a hurry, distracted, and has a short attention span. Throw in the fact that the al...